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Solar panel precast concrete ballast and mounting solution

Molloy Environmental Systems

Precast Concrete Ballast Solution for solar PV Panels

🌞 A recent custom precast product we crafted to act as solar PV panel ballast and mounting solution!

Molloy Solar PV panel precast concrete ballast and mounting solution

• Designed and manufactured at our Tullamore facility, this solution is tailor-made to enhance solar panel placement and stability on an appropriate flat roof surface.

• Angles solar PV panels on flat roof for a sunlight exposure range based on mid latitude of Ireland / UK to ensure an optimal average output throughout the year.

• Acts as ballast for improved stability to help and aid in securing the solar PV panel installation.

• Uses Molloy Precast reinforced ‘low carbon’ concrete, featuring in-built PV panel attachment rails.

📸 See picture of the product displayed with PV panels at our precast concrete manufacturing and mechanical & electrical off-site factory.

Interested in learning more? Contact us!

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